Sober living

‘My mum was an alcoholic and it was a massive secret’

Helping an alcoholic parent recover is both challenging and rewarding. If the daughter of an alcoholic parent chooses to help her mother or father seek treatment, there are many options available. An adult child of an alcoholic never “outgrows” the effects of their parent’s disorder. This isn’t to say they cannot go on to live […]

‘My mum was an alcoholic and it was a massive secret’ Lire la suite »

Celebrating Sobriety: Honoring a Loved Ones Anniversary

Take time to invest in your future even more by celebrating your sobriety anniversary. Keep reading for a few ideas on how you can celebrate your sobriety anniversary with those who matter most, including yourself. Towards the end of one week sober from alcohol, it’s likely that you will see improvements to your sleep cycle,

Celebrating Sobriety: Honoring a Loved Ones Anniversary Lire la suite »

Are you ashamed to be sober? Nothing captures societys deeply by James Julian Famously Sober

By practising this every day you can be the best version of yourself. Sobriety is nothing to be ashamed of, although it can be at times challenging and painful. It is important to remember why you are doing it and that other people don’t determine your happiness. Similarly, 18 per cent of sober men felt

Are you ashamed to be sober? Nothing captures societys deeply by James Julian Famously Sober Lire la suite »

Deaths from Excessive Alcohol Use United States, 2016 2021 MMWR

These behaviors are potential signs that a person is unable to control their cravings for alcohol or they’re trying to resolve withdrawal symptoms by drinking, both of which are symptoms of AUD. The way people with alcohol use disorder present in their day-to-day lives varies significantly. Media portrayal of people with alcohol use disorder is

Deaths from Excessive Alcohol Use United States, 2016 2021 MMWR Lire la suite »

Cognitive Dissonance: Theory, Examples & How to Reduce It

Because it is something a person feels internally, it is not possible to physically observe dissonance. As such, no set of external signs can reliably indicate a person is experiencing cognitive dissonance. Cognitive dissonance occurs when a person holds two related but contradictory cognitions, or thoughts. Understanding our mechanisms with which we reduce dissonance and

Cognitive Dissonance: Theory, Examples & How to Reduce It Lire la suite »