Board Meeting Tips

Board meetings must be productive, interesting and informative. Board members bring a wide range of backgrounds and skills to your organization that will aid in its success. Board members are also entrusted with the business’s finances, reputation, and future plans. It is vital to maintain contact with them beyond board meetings, by way of phone calls and private meals as well as managerial meetings.

It is important to make board materials available to all directors well before the meeting. This will give the board time to read and plan their agenda. Avoid surprising the board with long proposals or controversial topics that they were not prepared for. Avoid bringing up these topics at the beginning of a meeting, when the board might not be prepared for the amount of discussion required.

Keep the board on task by establishing an agenda that is clear, with estimated meeting times for each item. This will help the board organize its time and encourage active participation. It is important to clearly assign one person who is the secretary or a board member, to take minutes in a clear manner at the meeting. This will prevent confusion and headaches in the future.

Some officers will open the meeting by sharing an accomplishment story in order to energize the board. This can be a fantastic method to increase morale and demonstrate how the board’s actions affect customers, employees or other stakeholders. Engaging the board by achieving positive results can help focus the board on the future of your company.

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